Child Chemo House in Osaka
Saturday, October 28, 2006
  Time Bank

Dr. Masahiko Mori, who I respect, always tackles everything in earnest with being highly motivated. He introduces a story about “Time Bank” replying to a question what motivates him so much.

Imagine the following bank. Every morning the bank empties your account and transfers $86,400. Unless you use up the money, it will be gone. What would you do with it? Of course, you would withdraw all the money.

Each of us does have a similar bank. It’s a bank of time.

Every morning you receive 86,400 seconds; every night the unused time is gone, which is never added to the next day’s time.

Every morning your account is opened; every night the rest of time you left is gone. Unless you use up the time, you end up losing it.

You can not go back the past. You have to live in the present using the time given. So, make a maximum investment in your time and make a maximum effort for your health, happiness, and success.

Clock’s hands never stop running.

To understand the value of one year, ask a failed student.

To understand the value of one month, ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby.

To understand the value of one week, ask an editor of weekly newspaper.

To understand the value of one hour, ask a person waiting for his girlfriend or her boyfriend.

To understand the value of one minute, ask a person who has just missed a train.

To understand the value of one second, ask a person who has just escaped an accident.

To understand the value of 0.1 second, ask an Olympic silver medalist.

So, do place the importance on every second.

You do not know about tomorrow at all.
Today is given to you.

That’s why now is called “present.”

Written by S. Kusuki.
Translated by H. Ohta.
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